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Finding Rest

Finding Rest in Jesus Christ

August 31, 2024

Rest: A Timeless Invitation

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

This powerful verse offers a profound glimpse into the heart of Jesus as He looks upon the multitudes following Him. He sees their troubles, their distress, and the weight of their daily burdens.

In those days, life was a constant struggle for survival:

  • Daily Struggles: People faced the relentless challenge of securing food and other basic necessities.

  • Health Crises: Many were afflicted with diseases, and medical knowledge was primitive compared to today’s standards. Leprosy and river blindness were rampant, and they had no access to the treatments we take for granted.

  • Religious Burdens: Perhaps the heaviest load was the spiritual and religious demands placed upon them by their leaders, which often felt impossible to bear.

Amid all these troubles, Jesus stood among them, arms wide open, offering rest—true, deep, and soul-satisfying rest from all their burdens. And the beautiful truth is that He is still here today, with the same invitation: “Let me give you rest.”

The Modern Need for Rest

In our current world, we desperately need this rest. We live in an age that never stops, connected 24/7 by technology. The pace of life has quickened to such a degree that rest seems like a distant dream.

There was a time when life was slower, more intentional. Imagine a family in a horse and buggy, taking a slow ride to church on a Sunday, spending the entire day in worship, song, and fellowship. Then came the automobile, with the earliest models moving at just 15 miles per hour. Scientists of the time even warned that the human body might not withstand faster speeds!

Today, we’ve shattered sound barriers and accelerated every aspect of life. We get frustrated waiting a few extra minutes at a drive-thru and consider a quick text or a Facebook post sufficient for maintaining relationships. We’ve traded long visits with family for a digital “Happy Birthday” message.

Our Desperate Need for Rest

Now more than ever, we need rest:

  • Rest from the relentless hustle just to make ends meet.

  • Rest from the overwhelming noise of differing opinions, with preachers and pundits pulling us in every direction.

  • Rest from the endless stream of news and politics that has affected us all deeply in recent years.

  • Rest from the chase—the chase for pleasure, for meaning, for something to fill the

In the midst of this restless world, Jesus still extends His invitation. He offers us the rest our souls crave, a rest that goes beyond mere physical relaxation. It’s a rest that restores, renews, and refreshes us from the inside out.

Let’s not let this invitation pass us by. In a world that never stops, may we find the wisdom to pause, to come to Him, and to find the true rest that only He can give.