Is Water Baptism Required ?

Is Water Baptism Required ?

Baptism in water has long been a topic of debate among Christians, with some believing it to be necessary for salvation while others believe it is simply an outward symbol of an inward faith. However, it is important to note that baptism in water is not required for...
The Truth

The Truth

If I as a believer, a Christian, fully understand the Cross of Christ in regard to my sanctification, how the Holy Spirit works through that which Christ accomplished through His death, this doesn’t mean that Satan is going to stop coming against me with all of his...
Trusting God

Trusting God

Trusting God, trusting in Christ, do you really understand what this means? Most believers, most that say they are Christians don’t know or understand what “Trust in God” means.  When the Bible, God’s Word, speaks of believing, faith, or trust, without exception,...
No Compromise

No Compromise

There is no compromise in God’s Word. All of us must repent or perish, Luke 13:3, 5. None can claim ignorance for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, Romans 3:10,19, 23. Christ is our only remedy through the shedding of His precious blood, 1 Peter...


To “walk in the Spirit”, to live this life in the Spirit daily as God’s Word says, Galatians 5:25, means to have the Power of the Holy Spirit working on our behalf at all times as faith is anchored in Christ and the Cross       We that profess to be Christians need to...