Prayer changes things! Prayer is how the Christian communicates with God. With the advent of technology, now people from all over the world can join together in prayer. Simply leave your prayer request here. After a short approval time, you prayer request will be displayed on the prayer wall for people all around the world to agree with and join you in prayer.

Also, you can be an intercessor and pray for these requests. Praying for others needs is part of our Christian walk. Just simply click on “Prayed” after praying for the request. You can also reply to a prayer request. Leave words of comfort to encourage others! All comments are moderated.

Please submit request and replies only one time! They will not appear until the site manger approves the request.




  • This request is for my niece Annmarie. She has been diagnosed with chronic abruption. I firmly believe in the power of prayer. Also my mother has COPD, and I myself have experienced a bulging in my eyes since 2008. Thank you for your prayers as I now too will join in praying for others in accordance of the Will of God. To Him alone, be all the glory!
  • Christians -Pray for this US election! May God's people across our nation stand strong against all state ballot measures that promote abortion. Vote NO to abortion. Life in the womb is a gift from the Lord!

    "For the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
  • We have been without power for over 2 weeks due to electrical issues. In the house are elderly and disabled and there's been triple digit heat. We have been waiting on approval from the electric company for the electrician to fix the problem.
  • Please pray against that has been prayed for me to be evicted from where I live.
  • Can you all continue to keep me in heavy prayer
  • Internet theives posted social security number, birthdate, address, phone of me and my siblings, we are all over 60, 1 sibling is severely disabled.pray financial hedge. .
  • Please prayfir my husband Tom he is having heart issues and is having a procedure next week to prayerfully reverse some of the issues he is GODS holy name I ask for your prayers...Thank you !
  • Please prayfir my husband Tom he is having heart issues and is having a procedure next week to prayerfully reverse some of the issues he is GODS holy name I ask for your prayers...Thank you !
  • Praying for the blood of Jesus, Gods protection, provision, divine intervention & miracle Breakthroughs for immediate shelter/ housing & steady full time employment for Leland. Praying Leland is released from Everything not of God & the fiery darts of the enemy. Praying for mental/physical healing & Godly friends/mentors to help him get on his feet as he stays in alignment with Gods Will.
  • Pray for David's salvation/walk with Jesus and our marriage and my friend Bridgette, her heart and our friendship and for reconciliation.
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