Prayer changes things! Prayer is how the Christian communicates with God. With the advent of technology, now people from all over the world can join together in prayer. Simply leave your prayer request here. After a short approval time, you prayer request will be displayed on the prayer wall for people all around the world to agree with and join you in prayer.

Also, you can be an intercessor and pray for these requests. Praying for others needs is part of our Christian walk. Just simply click on “Prayed” after praying for the request. You can also reply to a prayer request. Leave words of comfort to encourage others! All comments are moderated.

Please submit request and replies only one time! They will not appear until the site manger approves the request.




  • Praying for financial miracles we have many financial situations. I'm asking for favor in all situations. Restoration of lost finances and all living expenses met this month. I'm trying to sell my doll collection praying for a buyer. Pray the Lord helps me complete with 90% or higher my afpa certification before deadlines. Pray the bills will be paid off early.
  • If you would please pray that The LORD helps me through the trials I am going through. Please pray that he protects and delivers me from the devil my enemies. Please pray that their schemes against are exposed and confounded. Please pray that The LORD provides for my spiritual needs (healing for my backsliding, spiritual growth, increased Faith) , material needs (food, clothing, finances) and physicall emotional and mental healing. Please pray for God to help me through all things a d to preserve a d over come spiritually and physically.
  • Prayer Request from Sean in Silicon Valley, CA, USA:

    Please pray for the Lord's help, healing, and pain / anxiety relief for me, my Mom, and my Sister. Also please pray for the Lord's healing, peace and favor, salvation, and revival for all of the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Israel and Jerusalem.
  • Please pray for Strength, Healing, Protection and God's merciful blessings for Stephen, Marian, Carl and Robert. Asking this request in the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Thank you for prayiing and God Bless all of you.
  • Please pray for my brother he has cancer in his throat and doctors had to put in a feeding tube. Thank You
  • Thank you God for the recent blessings bestowed upon Leland. Let NO weapons formed against him prosper. Praying Gods protection, mental, physical, spiritual & emotional well being & Gods presence surrounds Leland daily. In Jesus name, Amen!
  • Please pray for my physical healing, healing and blessings in around my life in Jesus name
    1. Pastor Wilson

      Prayed for your healing, in Jesus name!

  • Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
  • Asking prayers for an open door to my financial situation pray for my adult son have safe travels out of country. GOD BLESS his relationship to find a BELIVER for a wife. Blessings to UPON HIS life. He lost his Dad 3 years back BLESS his mental health to let go of any pain from that and build a wonderful life of blessings for himself build that closer relationship with the LORD. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS & BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL AS WELL IN JESUS NAME AMEN
  • Please pray that a door opens out of my job at Dept of Justice. The management team have been unreasonable given I am pregnant and bullying myself with Human Resources all against law. I am early days and already provided them medical advice. Union escalating. Please pray for justice and a door to open into a safe work place environment. This workplace is not right and I really do not feel peace to be here in my vulnerable time. My pregnancy is a miracle. Please protect me and let god intervene and stop these bullies.
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