Prayer changes things! Prayer is how the Christian communicates with God. With the advent of technology, now people from all over the world can join together in prayer. Simply leave your prayer request here. After a short approval time, you prayer request will be displayed on the prayer wall for people all around the world to agree with and join you in prayer.

Also, you can be an intercessor and pray for these requests. Praying for others needs is part of our Christian walk. Just simply click on “Prayed” after praying for the request. You can also reply to a prayer request. Leave words of comfort to encourage others! All comments are moderated.

Please submit request and replies only one time! They will not appear until the site manger approves the request.




  • Prayers for healing my gums and teeth they are very painful these last few days. Prayers for all family members salvation. Prayers for financial breakthrough and open doors for my small businesses.
  • I am having a hard time believing God loves me and wants me to be saved. Please pray that He would restore my hopes, and bring me to His side, and that my family, friends, and community would be willing to help.
    1. Ur brother!

      I promise God loves u and he wants u to be saved. He don\'t want u to hurt, ur his child and he wants nothing but good things for u, he wants u to call on him in times of need jus like a father would so he can help u and protect u and show u the tru meaning of what happiness is, he wants u to be happy and nothing less, . He a loving and understanding god. Give him ur time in prayer and ask him to heal and help u in any struggle that ur having and I promise he will.. prayers for u and your family.

    2. Rhonda

      Brianna- God says that you are a one of a kind masterpiece! He loves you so very much 💖

    3. Pastor Wilson

      God is always near to the brokenhearted. The enemy of our soul desires to convince us God does not care when nothing is further from the truth. If you know Jesus as your savior, You belong to the family of God!

    4. Shannon

      Jesus loves you and continues to love you. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Lord wrap your loving arms around this sweet lady.

  • Prayers for healing please and prayers for financial stability please
  • I have not felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in a long time. Please pray that God would restore me to fellowship with Him.
  • Please pray for my children, raymie, Riley, kolbianne, damara and Nathan from Oklahoma. That GODS hand of protection would be upon them everywhere they go and that they would all walk in the will of GOD and obtain salvation. That their father would stay healthy for them and be stable in all his ways. also salvation for Jessica, James and Russell and their families in Oklahoma. That they would fear God very soon and hate their idols and serve god only and walk very closely with God all their days
  • I would like to pray for my friend for the bitterness he has for family and the station in life he is in, for him to be grounded in a relationship with God, and for Him to do things for him he doesn't know to ask. (5/9/22)
  • Please continue to pray for my brother. I ask for healing of mind, body, heart, and spirit. I ask for deliverance of all that binds him. Please pray for God encounters and God's protection over him. Please pray for miracles. Thank you.
  • Please pray for many people to donate money to the animal charity PD to pay the bills. Need to buy food and many cats need treatment, but prices have risen sharply. Thank you
  • I request that you pray for the restoration of my cousin's marriage. His wife separated from him, and they have a child together who is in middle of this. Pray that he accepts God's will for it as to whether they will be together or not but let him and her have hope and ability for to be restored if it's his will. That daughter's mental health is good and able cope with this ordeal. He also decided to be rebaptized as special indicator of his commitment to God, pray that he can stay steadfast in his walk, he has support and involvement in church activity, a church family, continual growth, and that any breaches be removed from in his journey with God. Other concerns as well (1/9/21)
  • This may be a materialistic prayer to some but I hold these Tapes close to my heart. It has memories that I do not want to get rid of. I need this Church to please pray that I can get a box full of recorded Mini DV Tapes from those thieves in the name of the Lord. It has Church footages unpublished and I don't want to lose them. Thank you in advance.
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